Mixins and Decorators


Decorators require that the current logged user attend some permission grant. They are meant to be used on function based views.


Accepts the same arguments as has_role function and raises PermissionDenied in case it returns False. You can pass an optional key word argument redirect_to_login to overhide the ROLEPERMISSIONS_REDIRECT_TO_LOGIN setting. You can also pass an optional key word argument redirect_url to specify the view to return in case of permission denied. redirect_url takes precedence over redirect_to_login and ROLEPERMISSIONS_REDIRECT_TO_LOGIN.

from rolepermissions.decorators import has_role_decorator

def my_view(request, *args, **kwargs):

Accepts the same arguments as has_permission function and raises PermissionDenied in case it returns False. You can pass an optional key word argument redirect_to_login to overhide the ROLEPERMISSIONS_REDIRECT_TO_LOGIN setting. You can also pass an optional key word argument redirect_url to specify the view to return in case of permission denied. redirect_url takes precedence over redirect_to_login and ROLEPERMISSIONS_REDIRECT_TO_LOGIN.

from rolepermissions.decorators import has_permission_decorator

def my_view(request, *args, **kwargs):


Mixins require that the current logged user attend some permission grant. They are meant to be used on class based views.

class HasRoleMixin(object)

Add HasRoleMixin mixin to the desired CBV (class based view) and use the allowed_roles attribute to set the roles that can access the view. allowed_roles attribute will be passed to has_role function, and PermissionDenied will be raised in case it returns False. You can set an optional redirect_to_login attribute to overhide the ROLEPERMISSIONS_REDIRECT_TO_LOGIN setting. Just like has_role_decorator set an optional redirect_url to specify the view to return incase of permission denied. redirect_url overrides redirect_to_login and ROLEPERMISSIONS_REDIRECT_TO_LOGIN.

from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from rolepermissions.mixins import HasRoleMixin

class MyView(HasRoleMixin, TemplateView):
        allowed_roles = 'doctor'
class HasPermissionsMixin(object)

Add HasPermissionsMixin mixin to the desired CBV (class based view) and use the required_permission attribute to set the roles that can access the view. required_permission attribute will be passed to has_permission function, and PermissionDenied will be raised in case it returns False. You can set an optional redirect_to_login attribute to overhide the ROLEPERMISSIONS_REDIRECT_TO_LOGIN setting.

from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from rolepermissions.mixins import HasPermissionsMixin

class MyView(HasPermissionsMixin, TemplateView):
        required_permission = 'create_medical_record'